Zeitungsausschnitt aus der Allgemeinen Bauzeitung

The most widely read construction magazine in Germany reports on Vanillaplan!

Elena Höppner
by Elena Höppner Content MarketingPublished on 07.12.2023

On 24 November, an article entitled "Control and monitor planning with new cloud-based software via mobile phone" was published in the weekly Allgemeine Bauzeitung! It centres around our deployment and capacity planning.

Cloud-based software - control and monitor planning via mobile phone

Basel/Switzerland (ABZ) - Successfully coordinating various construction projects can be a real challenge. Now there is a tool that is based on modern technology and is also intuitive to use: Vanillaplan. According to the manufacturers, this cloud-based software cleverly combines resource and capacity planning so that the entire resource planning runs in one central programme.

Different company departments, multiple locations, different project phases? Thanks to the modular structure, the software manufacturer promises that departments, phases and categories can be named individually, so that each company can be mapped individually in its structure. The motto is: save time, reduce effort, simplify communication.

According to the developer, a traffic light colour diagram shows the progress of the project as resource consumption under each project. Capacity planning also shows the utilisation of the entire company as well as individual departments, teams or projects. The different colours mean you can always see whether the workload is still ‘in the green zone’ and can counteract over- or understaffing. With the mobile app, employees have an overview of their assignments even when they are on the move and are reliably informed of changes via push notifications. Attached files, such as construction plans, images or documents, can also be accessed quickly.

Shift planning brings personnel and inventory to the right place at the right time. Using drag&drop, employees, vehicles, tools and much more can be scheduled to projects and, conversely, projects can be assigned to resources. Deployment and capacity planning are also linked. This shows the utilisation of the entire company, individual projects, teams or departments. The traffic light colour system shows the status of capacities. There are special sets of utilisation planning features for planning, production, execution and service.

Adapted to each project phase, the planning for an entire project can be realised. Vanillaplan visualises the resource consumption - the ratio of planned personnel to calculated project expenditure. Vanillaplan can do even more: with the associated interface platform VanillaFair, users can create automatic data exchange from Vanillaplan to any IT system.

The online version of the article is available here.